It’s official!!! BigRoad is on iPhones! Apple & electronic logs
You can now download BigRoad for iPhones!!
Read More »It’s official!!! BigRoad is on iPhones! Apple & electronic logs
You can now download BigRoad for iPhones!!
Read More »It’s official!!! BigRoad is on iPhones! Apple & electronic logs
Ever wondered what came before smartphones? Message delivery and communication has definitely changed over the years, and it’s almost impossible to believe that communication existed without the use of technology. Check out this infographic presented by MSN…
Does being a successful business, business owner or employee depend on one’s ability to adapt to changing technology? According to this blogger, it looks like it. There is no question that being tech-savvy is becoming a resume requirement, but is it also becoming a requirement for the survival of a small business? According to Sean Kilcarr’s blog titled “Wireless is starting to rule the world,” 98% of small business operations use some form of technology. In today’s business world, this stat may not seem surprising, but just think, it was only 10 years ago that Blackberry’s first smartphone was released. It’s hard to even remember a world without smartphone technology let alone having your email constantly at your fingertips.
Read More »Is it all about being wireless? Trucker apps made easy
We are trying to get some feedback about the new HOS rules coming into effect July 1. We have a created a 6 question survey and are hoping that you would take a minute to complete it?
It’s here… Chapter 6 of BigRoad’s Ebook! Read more about the benefits of having a good CSA score.
BigRoad made an appearance May 11th on! We were mentioned in an article written by Kevin Spain, a guest contributor who is a partner at Emergence Capital. So if you have a minute, check out the article “Welcome to the new (and fast-growing) ecosystem of mobile business apps.”
Read More »Did you read about BigRoad?! @BigRoadinc @Drivewyze @kevinspain @AC_Waterloo
For those of you who cross the US-Canada border on a regular basis, good news! Transport Canada announced yesterday that there would be $80 million in border upgrades.
A new trend in highway patrol may start catching on… Trooper Gordon Roberts was part of a new promotion in Tennessee to make the highways safer – a THP promotion to raise awareness about crashes on the highway called “Stay Alive on 75.” “From the cab of a Tennessee Highway Patrol-owned tractor-trailer, he looked down into cars and minivans and smaller trucks, searching for seat belts that rested unbuckled, fingers that tapped text messages and beer can tabs that popped open.” When he sees an offender, Roberts relays the car make and model to a near by trooper who then pull the car over.
BigRoad is getting ready to release it’s iOS version! For all you Apple lovers, the wait is almost over!!!