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How a Driver Can Lead the Way for Better Fleet Management with eLogs


Jack Darden has been driving for years. Based in Richmond, Virginia, he was sick of paper logs and wanted to find a better electronic solution. What he didn’t realize initially, was that not only would he be changing how he logged for himself, but helping out his fellow drivers and improving the fleet management for his supervisor and the company.

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I’ll Quit Before I Use eLogs!


That was the exact statement Paul Kirkland, a driver of 23 years, told his supervisor. You may recognize Paul from his facebook profile, featuring trucking videos and all things rodeo. Several months ago, he found out his new company, Acadiana Energy, exclusively use electronic logs (eLogs) and have been for the past couple years.

As a long time paper log user, he was not interested in the least to switch over to this new electronic format.
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Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town (in a Big Rig)


With Thanksgiving behind us, December is a hectic month. The closer we get to the holidays, the more frantic it is: buying presents, baking, cooking, events with friends and family and more shopping. All of the items we need for these activities are available – usually the only thing missing is time!

This holiday, not only should we leave out cookies for Santa, but also say a thank you to truck drivers. They lend a big hand (and rig) to ensuring all the food, gifts, supplies, parcels arrive at their destinations on time. It’s actually a lot of work!

How much work?
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