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Safety Corner

Podcast Episode on ELD Certification in Canada on Safety Dawg

Marc Moncion, our Vice President of Safety, Compliance & Regulatory Affairs, was invited by Chris Harris from Safety Dawg Inc. to his podcast to discuss Fleet Complete’s successful ELD certification with Transport Canada – as well as iron out some finer details of the mandate itself.

This is Marc’s second appearance on the podcast, discussing the Canadian ELD mandate that is coming into full enforcement in the summer of 2022.

If you’re driving or walking and would like to listen to the full podcast, please click on the YouTube link that you see appear here. Otherwise, you can read the transcribed interview below.

Read More »Podcast Episode on ELD Certification in Canada on Safety Dawg

Canada HOS Emergency Declaration – British Columbia Flooding

In light of the need for essentials supplies and services to be supplied to British Columbia as a result of the recent flooding, Transport Canada has issued an exemption to the hours of service (HOS) regulations for those supplying relief to the area.

Please note that strict control measures are in place, that must be followed, to ensure this HOS exemption is not abused.

See specific requirements below for full details of the HOS exemption. 

Read More »Canada HOS Emergency Declaration – British Columbia Flooding

How to Apply for a Transport Canada Hours of Service Exemption Permit?

November 5, 2021

I recently met with a major client to discuss how they could apply for a Transport Canada Federal Hours of Service Exemption Permit, as they are occasionally asked to operate a commercial motor vehicle that is likely used for emergency purposes. In response to the inquiry, I drafted the following guidance that may be applicable to your operation as well. 

Read More »How to Apply for a Transport Canada Hours of Service Exemption Permit?