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4 Tips on Safe Phone Use While Driving

coachmount.jpgThis recent story of an “ingenious” driver who taped his phone to the steering wheel so he could watch a soccer game clearly shows how some people still don’t fully understand the dangers of distracted driving. How he was able to concentrate on road conditions, as well as watch a sports game, is beyond me.


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Top 6 Traits of an Excellent Fleet Manager

As a fleet manager, your job is about so much more than simply managing schedules. You also need to protect your drivers’ safety, support their wellbeing, and help them engage with and improve in their jobs. After all, a happy, motivated team is a more productive one

In fact, according to research from Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, engaged teams see improvements over their less-motivated counterparts in all kinds of areas, including:

  • 17% higher productivity overall
  • 10% higher customer satisfaction
  • 20% higher sales
  • 21% higher profitability
  • And a huge 41% reduction in absenteeism

To help you keep your team engaged and operating productively, we’ve put together a list of the 6 top traits of highly effective fleet managers. We’ll also take a look at how each habit, when applied effectively, will help improve safety and boost your company’s bottom line.  

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How Your GPS Can Act as a Stolen Vehicle Recovery Device

As a fleet manager, you know that commercial vehicles and their freight are valuable—but so do thieves, who are becoming ever-more creative in their attempts to steal them.

In as many as 10% of cargo theft cases worldwide, thieves stole the entire vehicle. Criminals primarily targeted fleets carrying easily resold items like alcohol, food, and consumer products—but no sector has escaped unscathed. In fact, according to a recent report by TTClub, freight that was designated ‘other’ was most likely to be targeted, accounting for 39% of thefts in 2018 globally.Read More »How Your GPS Can Act as a Stolen Vehicle Recovery Device

5 Benefits of Staying on Top of Fleet Technology

There’s no denying that technology is changing business environments at a startling pace. If businesses are to remain competitive in the next decade, they must make investments in the digital transformation journey for the long-term. Fleet management, a sector that was once dominated by infrastructure and fleets, will witness radical changes in the upcoming years.

While disruptive technologies will change existing processes and systems, these changes bring a lot of benefits for all stakeholders in the company. Below we’ll go through 5 advantages that every fleet organization can gain by staying on top of fleet technology and trends.Read More »5 Benefits of Staying on Top of Fleet Technology