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3 Life-Saving Tips for Reducing Truck Driver Fatigue

Truck driver fatigue is a serious and ongoing problem in the United States, accounting for 72,000 crashes, resulting in 44,000 injuries and 6,800 fatalities in 2013. With approximately 13% of truck crashes involving drowsy drivers, it’s essential to take preventative measures for driver fatigue. Below, we’ve identified the factors that contribute to driver fatigue and explored 3 ways to help truck drivers reduce drowsy driving.Read More »3 Life-Saving Tips for Reducing Truck Driver Fatigue

The Future of Women in the Trucking Industry

Picture your average truck driver. Chances are, the person you’re thinking of right now is wearing a baseball cap, perhaps a plaid shirt… and they’re definitely male.

Along with builders, firefighters, and plumbers, trucking is often seen as a manly job. When you look at the stats, the figures seem to back this up: according to the American Trucking Association, just 6.6% of drivers in the U.S. were female in 2018.

The fact is, women drivers represent a huge untapped labour force—and they’re just as good at driving as men, if not better

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15 Must-Know Tips When Considering Becoming A Leased Owner Operator

The two most important things to consider when becoming a leased owner-operator are the company you lease to, and the maintenance of your truck. Without either of these in place, you won’t be able to operate a successful business.

What’s your backhaul strategy? Read more here.

You obviously enjoy driving or you wouldn’t consider making the transition from company driver to owner operator, and you already know what the industry has to offer. But when leaving a company, you’re also going to leave some of the benefits they provide; health insurance, retirement plans, investment opportunities, a steady paycheck. You’ll also lose the hand-holding when you need help and the dispatched loads when you need freight. When you’re on your own, you won’t have that.

Read More »15 Must-Know Tips When Considering Becoming A Leased Owner Operator

8 Commonly Overlooked Checks During a Pre-Trip Inspection

Just like breakfast is the most important meal of the day, your pre-trip inspection is the cornerstone to operating a healthy vehicle. The reasons for having a healthy vehicle should be obvious. It ensures the safety of not just the driver, but also everyone else on the road.

As a driver, you are required by law to inspect your truck and trailer before the start of your shift and once within every 24 hours while on the road. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure the vehicle is safe for operation and is free from defects.

Read More »8 Commonly Overlooked Checks During a Pre-Trip Inspection