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Calculating The Cost Of Non-Compliance With FMCSA Regulations: $30.7M

Among commercial motor carriers, safety regulations can be a controversial  topic. Whether it’s an EOBR mandate or a CSA rating system that is flawed, you’ll  always have vigorous debate on the right way to go. One topic where you’ll find little disagreement is the high cost of non-compliance.

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NASTC – great for all small trucking fleets!

There is a good article in 10-4 Magazine by Kim Grimm about NASTC (National Association of Small trucking Companies) and the positive benefits small trucking fleet operators get through membership.  I attended their annual convention recently and was struck by how truly committed David Owen and his staff are to improving the operating success of their member fleets, and choosing vendors that are just as committed to this same cause.

Read More »NASTC – great for all small trucking fleets!