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4 Cost Savings from Smarter Driving in Fleets

Seeing speeding cars cutting corners and running red lights may look exhilarating in movies, but this type of driving doesn’t have a place on real-life roads. In real life, this is called aggressive driving, and it can pose serious problems to your fleet.

Curtailing aggressive driving in fleets may seem like it’s easier said than done—especially since, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA), 80% of drivers have admitted to aggressive behaviors on the road at least once in a given year.Read More »4 Cost Savings from Smarter Driving in Fleets

Top 6 Traits of an Excellent Fleet Manager

As a fleet manager, your job is about so much more than simply managing schedules. You also need to protect your drivers’ safety, support their wellbeing, and help them engage with and improve in their jobs. After all, a happy, motivated team is a more productive one

In fact, according to research from Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, engaged teams see improvements over their less-motivated counterparts in all kinds of areas, including:

  • 17% higher productivity overall
  • 10% higher customer satisfaction
  • 20% higher sales
  • 21% higher profitability
  • And a huge 41% reduction in absenteeism

To help you keep your team engaged and operating productively, we’ve put together a list of the 6 top traits of highly effective fleet managers. We’ll also take a look at how each habit, when applied effectively, will help improve safety and boost your company’s bottom line.  

Read More »Top 6 Traits of an Excellent Fleet Manager