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ROR CORPS LLC Eliminates the Burden of Paper Logs with BigRoad’s DashLink ELD

The Easy-to-Use Solution Helps Owner-Operators Prevent Errors and Violations While Achieving ELD Mandate Compliance

WATERLOO, ON | August 31, 2017

ROR CORPS LLC, a regional trucking service based out of Virginia, has selected BigRoad’s DashLink ELD to achieve hours-of-service (HOS) and electronic logging device (ELD) compliance. The company has eliminated paper logs with help from BigRoad – A Fleet Complete Company.

When Rory Turnage, owner of ROR CORPS LLC, first downloaded the free BigRoad Mobile App, he used it in tandem with his paper logs to test this new solution. “Within a week or so, I completely stopped using paper logs. BigRoad’s logs were so accurate and easy-to-read that I knew I’d never need paper logs again,” said Rory.

After attending a BigRoad webinar, Rory learned about DashLink – BigRoad’s engine-connected ELD mandate compliance solution. “I booked a demo to see DashLink ELD in action. Afterwards, I purchased the solution immediately because it was so user-friendly and worked with the BigRoad Mobile App, which I already loved using,” Rory shared. BigRoad’s plug-and-play DashLink ELD was easy to install and Rory had it up and running in his truck within minutes.

Rory never liked filling out paper logs. “I couldn’t get them as neat as I liked. Plus, I found it too easy to make mistakes because the lines were so close together,” he explained. Now with BigRoad’s DashLink ELD, Rory no longer has to worry about filling them out. “DashLink has made logging so much easier for me. I just turn on the truck and it starts to record my hours. I haven’t been fined since using BigRoad because my logs are so clean!”

“We designed our DashLink ELD to be a simple, affordable, and flexible compliance solution,” explained Jake McGuire, Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success at BigRoad. “Many of our customers report reduced fines and improved safety scores after they start using it. There’s a reason why thousands of owner-operators trust BigRoad!”

ROR CORPS LLC transports containers out of Norfolk, Virginia. For the past 5 years, their highly localized operation has grown to become a preferred transportation provider in the area.

About BigRoad
BigRoad – A Fleet Complete Company provides innovative and easy-to-use solutions that simplify safety and compliance for thousands of drivers and fleets across North America. BigRoad was recently acquired by Fleet Complete, a global IoT provider of mission critical fleet, asset and mobile workforce management and telematics solutions. BigRoad’s DashLink ELD is a simple, affordable, and flexible way for fleets and owner-operators to achieve ELD mandate compliance. With over 480,000 downloads, the BigRoad Mobile App is the number one electronic logging app for drivers on Android and iOS. For fleets, the BigRoad Web App helps maximize operational efficiency with real-time visibility and risk notifications. Over 30,000 fleets have chosen BigRoad as their compliance partner.

Media Contact
Alicia Bedard
Director of Marketing, BigRoad
[email protected]
1-888-305-8777 x 402