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Too many truckers can’t do basic math….

I decided to share this article written by Bill Cameron in Truck News as he hits on some really great business tips for Owner Operators and drivers in general.  Sean:  I’ve written in the past that I think driving school practices and commercial driving exams should have a serious overhaul. I think this revamp should include a math test. It seems far too many truck drivers, despite possessing other admirable skills, just can’t add.

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FMCSA Hours of Service: July 1st Rules Compared to Other Countries

I am happy to share a great article by Aubrey Allen Smith where he details the various HOS rules in USA and the rest of the world.  What I really like is that Aubrey focuses on the result of the US FMCSA rules changes on driver safety and driver fatigue as well as the need for the carriers and shippers to address the issues of unecessary wait times.

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Plan for new July 1st HOS rules as written: Are you ready?

A good article about the coming Hours of Service Rules Change slated to come into effect on July 1, 2013.  Many fleets and drivers may be hoping this doesn’t actually get put into effect as scheduled, but according to Richard P. Schweitzer, general council/government affairs for the National Private Truck Council (NPTC), it will.

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GPS fleet tracking: Maintenance, Logs, Smart phones

A good article about technology in trucking from Homer Hogg, Maintenance Supervisor for TA and Petro,. Homer highlights the benefits of technology, mobile and otherwise, as well as explores the benefits of things like a truck Blackbox (EOBR, AOBRD, ELD…..).  He also discusses the need to get drivers on board and not resisting technology that may help them and improve fleet operations at the same time.  Technologies like BigRoad can be used to automate electronic driver logs and improve CSA scores for the fleet.

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Click Mouse, Make Money – Owner Operators and Load Boards

A good article about how flatbed drivers Ed and Salena look for loads and enjoy the freedom of being Owner Operators. I always appreciate Salena’s blog with her perspective on the trucking industry.  In this article Salena discusses how they find loads using a loadboard and the freedom this provides in terms of making their own load choices.

Original Article Salena Lettera Daily Rant Blog 

Most of you know we are owner-operators and pull a flatbed trailer. Our freight ranges from building materials, to containers, to military equipment, to aircraft parts to honeybees. We’ll haul just about anything they can put on a flatbed if the price is right.

And although finding freight isn’t hard, it is a little bit of an art. Knowing where the freight is, knowing how much time is involved loading, knowing if it’s going to a good area, deciding whether deadheading (driving empty to pick up) is going to be worth it. These are all learned. Ed is a master at this – you can throw a load and a rate at him and he’ll know immediately if it’s worth doing. Me? I’m not as quick with the figuring, but I’m pretty good now too.

We have a few agents who will call us outright, if we’re in the area, to offer us a load before they post it. They know us, they’ve worked with us before, and they know we deliver – no pun intended. Most of the time though, we find our loads on the board. “The Board” is the load board where the company we’re leased to posts their loads. If you enlarge the photo below (click to enlarge), you’ll see a real example of freight that’s available to us.

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New HOS Rules – are electronic logs the answer?

It now looks like the FMCSA is not going to delay the proposed July 1, 2013 implementation of the new HOS rules after all.  Even though the new rules will cost the industry a lot ($230M according to the ATA) in terms of lost productivity while also decreasing the flexibilty drivers have to choose their sleep/drive/work cycles it will not cause too much trouble to adopt for those fleets using electronic logs today.  

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