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Update on COVID-19: DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing

Following my previous blog regarding FMCSA granting a waiver for expiring commercial driver’s licenses & permits, I have been getting questions regarding drug and alcohol testing regulations amid the COVID-19 pandemic. For your benefit, please read the following U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) new guidance.

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Update on COVID-19: Freight Transport Exemption in Canada

Exemption to allow relief from the requirements established under the Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations

As expected, Transport Canada has approved an essential Hours of Service (HOS) ‘Freight Transportation Exemption.’  

This Exemption has similarities to the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issuance of their March 13th, 2020 national Emergency Declaration for Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs) delivering relief in response to the COVID-19 Outbreak.

The purpose of this Blog is to highlight the similarities and differences that have been adopted by Canada Transport.

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Update on COVID-19: Expiring Commercial Driver’s Licenses & Permits

It has come to my attention that many truckers are becoming increasingly anxious that they may be subject to unwanted enforcement attention due to their CLDs expiring soon, and that they are unable to renew due to action out of their control. 

I wanted to ease your concerns by sharing a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Enforcement Notice on Expiring Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDLs), Commercial Learner’s permits (CPLs) and Non-CDL Drivers (NCDLs). 

Specifically, FMCSA has granted a waiver for drivers of commercial motor vehicles that currently have a valid CDL or CPL that may be expiring to continue to be valid until June 30, 2020.

These measures have been adopted in response to many U.S. States experiencing greater than normal employee absences, or having to close their State Driver Licensing Agencies. 

This follows guidance FMCSA received from the U.S. Center for Disease Control to use social distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 

The following FMCSA Enforcement Notice on Expiring Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDLs), Commercial Learner’s permits (CPLs) and Non-CDL Drivers (NCDLs) was subsequently adopted, because many commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers are unable to renew their driver’s license and are unable to provide medical certificates to their State Driver Licensing Agencies.

Read More »Update on COVID-19: Expiring Commercial Driver’s Licenses & Permits

Update on COVID-19: Temporary Waivers by Jurisdiction

To date, I have focused my ‘Ask the Expert’ Blogs on Federal Emergency Declarations information in the U.S. and Canada. 

I am switching gears today to focus on specific State and Provincial Waiver Announcements, as they may impact truckers differently, depending on where your home jurisdiction is. 

I have also included a link and specific contact information where truckers can get more information, in those cases where I was able to source this material.

Read More »Update on COVID-19: Temporary Waivers by Jurisdiction

How to Improve Your CSA Scores with a Fleet Management Solution

Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) is a measurement program set up by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Commercial carriers are given a score based on inspection results, traffic violations, and incidents. The higher the score, the more likely that company is to be involved in an accident—so the lower, the better.Read More »How to Improve Your CSA Scores with a Fleet Management Solution

Update on COVID-19 Emergency Declaration

As you know, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued a national Emergency Declaration for Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs) delivering relief in response to the COVID-19  outbreak on March 13th, 2020.

I have already addressed 20 most frequently asked questions with regards to the Emergency Declaration and how it affects truck driver’s Hours of Service in this FAQ blog.

Below, are the updates on the details of the Declaration as of March 20, 2020.

Read More »Update on COVID-19 Emergency Declaration