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Weigh Scale Pre Clear app integrated in BigRoad Android elog app

BigRoad is excited to include a link to enable weighscale bypass or preclear in our free trucker app.  Too much time is spent in ‘chicken coops’ across the nation and this app was selected as the best in breed for getting pre clearance.  Drivewyze PreClear is an innovative new way for commercial vehicles to bypass weigh stations and mobile inspection sites.

BigRoad is always looking for new ways to improve life on the road for truckers and at the same time reducing operating costs.  Leveraging smart phones and tablets makes so much sense for commercial fleet operators, and innovative fleets are liking DriveWyze.

Some of the benefits users are reporting

  • More Sites – bypass opportunities at fixed weigh stations and mobile inspection sites
  • More Coverage – the only bypass service available in Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont
  • Get Home Faster – drivers spend less time waiting or pulling over
  • Hands-Free – fully automated operation and requires no driver interaction
  • Safe – operates no matter which land a driver is in, avoiding prompt lane changes and congested ramps
  • Easy to Deploy – no transponder hardware and no locked-in contracts

Drivewyze PreClear maximizes fleet performance and efficiency by reducing unplanned shipping delays and wasted fuel on a trip.

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Drivewyze provides a safe and hands-free bypass solution for commercial vehicles at weigh stations and, for the first time, mobile roadside inspection sites using the GPS technology of tablets and smartphones.

The ease of deployment and flexibility in billing allows carriers the choice to either deploy Drivewyze PreClear across an entire fleet or on vehicles on specific routes.

Visit for more information.