Is the owner operator a dying breed? Some O/O’s are finding it hard to keep their heads above water in today’s economy. With all the taxes and expenses for example, many are finding revenues to be low. For example, one O/O “showed revenue of “$110,000 last year on paper. But after miscellaneous taxes, truck and trailer payments, fuel, tires, insurance, repairs and other expenses [he] had a profit of approximately $11,000 to support a family of four.”
The article continues by saying how other drivers who were interviewed “verbally pumped fists to decry the conditions for owner-operators in the trucking industry today.”
Is it all about environmental (well in this case economical) adaptation by owner-operators? At BigRoad, we are here to support owner operators and have developed our app to be as cost efficient as possible. Our app can help O/O’s elminate paying HOS audit fees and fines, eliminate costly faxes, make better decisions concerning data use, prevent form and manner errors, and elminate need for expensive GPS hardware – just a few exmaples of what our app can do.