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Truck Collisions – truckers watch out for Jersey!!

Can you guess what states have the highest accident rates?! The top 3 states with the most intense collisions are….

Truck involved accidents

Apparentlty if you are driving a truck through Jersey, Indiana and Pennsylvania, watch out! After looking at the data, it appears that these 3 states have the highest rates of truck-involved accidents. In comparison, here’s a ranking of the top 10 most intense and the top 10 least intense collision/state:

State truck collision ranking

“The ranking is based on analysis of federally recordable truck-involved crash data over three years, 2010-12, byOverdrive and sister company RigDig Business Intelligence ( The Garden State had 12 truck-involved wrecks occurring for every 10 lane-miles of National Highway System roadway during that period” (Todd Dills).

One of the reasons to explain these trends relates to the traffic density level. As Todd points out in his article, “it’s no suprise that the remaining top 10 states for truck wrecks also are east of the Mississippi River, where traffic is heaviest.” 

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