Our previous blog post in this series, Motorcoach Compliance and Safety – What Can BigRoad Do For Me? we discussed the emphasis on safety and compliance that has been present in the transportation world this past year. This was a big topic at the recent UMA Expo in Los Angeles as well.
It’s so important to keep accurate logs and follow Hours of Service (HOS) rules correctly, but at the same time it can be tough to even understand the rules and how they all work together. Here at BigRoad we understand that and we’re here to help. Whether you are a fleet manager or a driver, you can benefit from the safety and compliance features we offer. With BigRoad electronic logs, you get so much more than just a paper log replacement: you get a log system that lets you avoid a violation before it happens!
The BigRoad app is programmed to follow the rule set you select as well as any exemptions you check off. You need to enter accurate information, but you don’t need to do the math yourself. With BigRoad, you can always see how much time you have left to drive at a glance.
In the fight to always remain safe and legal, this is a huge advantage. There are so many rules to remember that you’re bound to make a mistake if you don’t have a computer checking your work. With BigRoad you don’t have to worry – it works like a spell-checker but instead of checking your spelling it checks your logs.
FMCSA administrator Anne S. Ferro said that 52 companies were shut down last year because they “put safety by the wayside in order to compete in a very tight market.” To help motorcoach operators follow compliance regulations, the BigRoad app features a passenger-carrying option. It’s as easy as selecting the passenger carrying rule set.
As a dispatcher you can use a number of fleet features online to streamline your operation:
- View where all your drivers are in real time through the GPS on their device when they’re signed in to BigRoad – use this for informing passengers of expected arrival times, scheduling drivers and shift changes, and more!
- See stop reports on trip logs to find out how long different stops on the route are taking. You can use this data to plan ideal routes and monitor the progress and efficiency of your drivers.
- Communicate with drivers through the messaging system and have them send in receipts and other documents through the document sender. You can send out a message to all drivers to convey urgent information or have one-on-one chats with specific fleet members.